Saturday, April 14, 2007

Busy day yesterday...

Abby was in rare form yesterday. First, I was on the computer and noticed some movement in front of me. I looked in the mirror next to the front door and say Abby coming down the stairs! The gate was still securely in place!! She was coming down so I completely missed her going up. I couldn't figure out how she got up there because I didn't hear a peep. I thought for sure if she went over the gate, I would've heard a "thud". So I took her back downstairs and then I went upstairs and stood at the top around the corner where she couldn't see me. Low and behold, she placed her feet halfway up the gate, leaned over the top at her stomach, placed both hands on the second step and then brought over one leg at a time. It was flawless and quick! So much for the gate!!

Later, when they woke up from their nap, I went in to get them and Abby had no pants on, no socks on and her shirt was over her head with just her arms in a little cardigan sweater. The girls were just jumping up and down like crazy. Man - we've got our hands full!!!

Jack said something funny too. I was getting him dressed and getting ready to put his shirt on. He pointed to my chest and said "Why do you have this?". I said "Because I'm a girl. Why do you have those?". He said "Mine are just dots. Are yours hills or mountains?" I had no idea what to say and was cracking up so I just didn't answer and walked away! He's all boy!!!

Last night we went to Dick's and bought his new baseball pants and socks and a new bat for opening day. Unfortunately, it's rained all night and all the T-ball games are cancelled. He's so disappointed as we all are...

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