Today was Jack's first official day of Pre-K! Yesterday was registration and I had to work so he went to his classroom and played for a couple hours. He absolutely loved it and was begging to go back at 6:30am this morning! I took him at 8:00 and dropped him off. I wasn't expecting it to be hard since we were there yesterday but I still got upset. He was excited and put his backpack on his hook. I took pictures of him going up the ramp and in the classroom. Yesterday, I took pictures of him with Mrs. Virden and Mrs. Wheatley. He went today and goes Thursday and then next week he starts going every day. He did awesome. He was really ready!! It's just so hard to drop him off and know that this is his last year at Totten Hall and he'll be walking through graduation and moving on.
Next Wednesday is Jack's 5th birthday which I cannot believe. 5 seems so much older than 4. We haven't officially measured him yet (we'll do that next week) but it looks like he's grown 2 inches in 6 months. He's getting so big. :-( This Sunday is his bday party. It's a bike party since that is what he LOVES to do. We're having it at Audubon Park and having everyone bring their bikes and having bike decorating and an obstacle course. Should be fun!
Jack is such a fish now. He's swimming underwater...diving down for toys. This past weekend, Jeff took him to the deep end and he swam 3-4 feet to him.
We decided to sign Jack up for soccer this year in Newburgh. Jeff signed up to help assistant coach. Well, they called and asked him to coach a team. So, last Saturday, Jeff and Jack had their first practice. Jack did great and tried very hard. Jeff did an awesome job at coaching the kids. There are 5 kids on the team and they play 4 on 4. It should be alot of fun! Jeff had a coaches clinic the morning before the practice and had to do drills as if they were a certain age and he won an award for being the "Best 8 yr old"! Jeff is really hoping that Jack and/or the girls take to soccer so he can keep coaching!!
The girls are really getting big. They turn 2 in just 4 weeks. I have no idea where the time went. Their party is going to be at Village Green's clubhouse and is going to have a Mickey Mouse theme. They love watching that! Their dr appt is in a few weeks and I can't wait to officially weigh and measure them. Last time I weighed them, Ally was 6 lbs heavier than Abby! Both girls are saying 2 word sentences: "Hi Daddy", "Hi Jack", "Bye Momma". It's so cute. One of Abby's favorite words is "Nook" for drink. If you say "Abby say milk.", she says "Nook". If you say "Abby say drink", she says "Nook". It's so funny. They love shoes and love going upstairs with Daddy when he gets home from work to change clothes.
Coming events:
Monday, August 27th, Abby is starting a tumbling class at Acros Gym. She's going to LOVE it. After that session is over, Ally is going to take Dance. We can't afford for both of them to do it!
Tonight, we are taking all 3 kids to the Stadium to see the Wiggles. Should be fun!!
We're heading to Fayetteville, GA to visit Randy, Tina and Grandma over Labor Day weekend. Should be very nice. I don't think we've ever been there to just visit. It's always been an event to attend.
We're having a surprise retirement party for Mom on Sept. 8th. We've found dozens of past babysitting kids so I'm really hoping it's going to be a surprise. We've collected so many pictures and Lori is making posterboards of them. The centerpieces are going to be pics in frames which I've already done. I can't wait!!
Past events:
A few weeks ago, we had our first annual Luau. The house looked great and we had great food. We also rented a Margarita machine. It was fun but very laid back and not much going on. It was relaxing and nice though. We just spent every day for a solid week working on the yard and stuff and it seemed a little boring. Oh well...maybe next year will be better!
Last week, Jeff and I went to Louisville to see my favorite group in concert, Rascal Flatts! I was soooo excited but had absolutely no idea how wonderful it would be. They were so awesome and I'm even a bigger fan now!! I was in HEAVEN! We were on the 4th row on the floor and probably about 5 feet from them. I joined the fan club just to get tickets early. That was the best $25 I've ever spent!! Can't wait to go again sometime!!!
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