Monday, July 28, 2008

Bram and Ally

7/20/08 - We had the Blakes and Devonshires over to swim on a hot summer day. Later in the afternoon, Ally and Bram sat on the back step for at least 30 minutes having a conversation. Abram, told him to get her number before they left so Bram said "What's your number?" and Ally said "3"! The next night, Bram wanted to call Ally and this is an email from Nicky telling me how their conversation went...

When Bram was first trying to tell me that he wanted to call Ally, he said, "I want to call that one girl." I asked what one girl and he said, "Abby's friend." I dialed the number once and he grabbed the phone from me and hung up and then started saying, "No, no! Her number is 3!"

So funny! They talked on the phone for a while!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ally got her first call from a boy today!

The phone rang this evening and I answered it and heard a little voice say, "Can I please talk to Ally?" So I went upstairs and gave the phone to Ally and she was smiling from ear-to-ear! It was Bram!!! He asked Nicky if he could call Ally so she dialed the number and he said, "No Mom, her number is 3"!!! She said, "Hi", "What you doing", and "Hello" about 6 times and then said, "You wanna talk to Abby?" and handed the phone to her sister. It was very cute.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Honey, you’re awesome!

Missy's in Wabash, IN this week for work and I've been taking care of all 3 kids by myself and I just wanted to write a quick note about how neat this experience has been for me for many reasons. I've really enjoyed spending so much time with the kids and learning how to take care of them. I help as much as I can around the house, but doing EVERYTHING by myself with no one here to tell me how to do it and to show me where things are, has been a fun challenge! I have also enjoyed the new-found level of respect I have for everything Missy does. I really, truly don't ever take her for granted and I tell her as often as I can how much I appreciate everything she does, but NOW I REALLY KNOW! Thank you honey! You are the backbone, heartbeat, and lifeblood of our family and we all, really appreciate you and everything you do.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Proof that a Father should not be taking care of 3 kids by himself!!!

I dropped the kids off at Marlena's house this morning then headed to work at Atlas (by the airport). I had made it almost the whole way to work, but got stopped by the light at 41 and Lynch. Suddenly I noticed in my rear-view mirror that the motorcycle behind me was getting closer and closer to my back bumper. Then he rolled up beside me and came right up to my window and made a motion for me to roll down the window. So I did and he said, "Hey buddy, did you know you have a little pink umbrella stuck under your truck???" I had no idea what he was talking about so I pulled over into Whirlpool's parking lot and looked under the truck and sure enough, there was Ally's pink umbrella wedged under the driveshaft and dragging on the ground! I guess I backed over it this morning and dragged it all the way to

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mommy’s out of town all week… :(((

Missy left for training in Wabash Indiana last night and the kids and I already really miss her… We had a good night last night but during dinner, Jack asked how many days until Mommy gets home. I told him 4 days and then started talking to Ally. I looked back at him a few seconds later and he had his head in his hands… I said, "What's wrong buddy?" and he looked up with tears in his eyes and said, "I really missy Mommy and want her to come back home". Poor guy… The girls each said they wanted their Mommy too and kept asking when she's going to be home. Unfortunately, I went on our guy's golf trip to Brown County this past weekend and was gone from Fri. morning to Sunday afternoon about 1:00pm. We had to take Missy to Jaci's house at 3:30 so I barely got to talk to her before she left. This has definitely been one of the hardest couple of months in our history as a family with all the traveling and events we've had going on. I sure miss her too and can't wait for things to calm down.