Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Missy started her new job today!!!

Missy had her first day at Escalade Sports today and it sounded like she had a very exciting day and is going to love it there. She went from meeting-to-meeting all day and really "hit the ground running!" She is already the owner of the SharePoint project and is getting very involved in the launch of the new Goalrilla website that DBD created for them. They are supposed to launch this Friday and have a big celebration party for the whole company and she's even going to go in on her "day off" for the event! She got a very sweet Dell Latitude laptop and a PIMP Blackberry Curve phone. She had her face in the phone reading email most of the evening tonight! I'm not so sure I'm going to like that every night? J I am very proud of her and think she's going to really shine in this position. I can tell she was very excited to be around *people* again and getting involved in the decision-making process. I can't wait to see her excel there and show everyone else (what I already know, which is) how talented she is! I sent her some flowers late last night to congratulate her and wish her the best on her first day, but I wasn't sure they would get to her! I forgot to tell them on the phone that she was a new employee and/or she worked in the IT department, so I was afraid the delivery person would get there and tell them they were for Missy Patterson and they'd send them away saying there was no person with that name in the company! But they arrived safely, and they were beautiful, and Missy was very happy to receive them.