Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ally won the "Character Counts" award!

I have to brag on my precious Ally a bit here...

One of the neat things they do at Newburgh Elementary is pick one student each week that demonstrates a high level of character and highlight them in the "Character Counts" section.  This is a pretty big deal and the first time one of our kids has won this award.  You have to be nominated by a teacher and it can't be that student's teacher.  They only give it out to one student per week so with 36 weeks of school/year and 620 students in school, it's pretty rare.

It's also very exciting for the kids when they announce the winner every week.  The principal gets on the intercom and reads the story of what this person did to get nominated, which takes a couple of minutes, then he says...  "This week's winner is in 2nd grade....  In Mrs. William's class....  The winner this week is........   ALLY PATTERSON!!!!"  As soon as he announces the winner, the Vice Principal walks into that student's class and gives them a lapel pin, banner, and a gift cert. to a free meal at Olive Garden.  Missy was there and said it was very exciting to hear Ally's name and she was thrilled too.

I was so proud of her b/c I'm always stressing how important it is to help other people and that's exactly what she did!