Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Well, Miss Ally finally started dance class at Acros. She was SOOOOOO cute! Although, she was the only one without tights, ballet shoes and even leg warmers!! I thought I'd be in there with her but all the parents went out to watch through the window so I left her in there. I wanted to cry but she was smiling so much and waving. She tried so hard and did exactly what the teacher told her to do. About half way through, they put on these pink fluffy tutus and she was so proud. She tip-toed around and loved it!! I can't wait to take her back!

The last 2 times I've picked up Jack, he's wanted to bring Nico Brougham home with us. I finally told him that I would call his Mom. So, yesterday, I called his Mom and asked her if Nico could come home with us next Monday. Jack is so excited!!

Abby isn't doing much. She's as quiet as a mouse and loves to unfold and organize the washclothes and PJ's on the changing table. She's also facinated with all their ponytail holders.

Thursday is Thanksgiving and we're going to the circus on Sunday. Jack is also exciting about decorating for Christmas. Should be a fun weekend!!

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