Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Winter storm

Wow, what a crazy day today! Missy is out of town for the Woodplay dealers meeting in Raleigh, NC, so I'm home alone with the kids. We got about 2 inches of snow yesterday and I took them to Grandmas and it was a piece of cake. I woke up this morning and we had about 5-6 inches of snow so I decided to try it again... It was probably one of the most stressful mornings of my life. Ally woke up and said she was sick and needed to throw up, so she was crying about that. Jack was crying because he wanted to go outside and play. Abby was crying because she wanted to go to Grandmas. I knew that I wouldn't get any work done here at home, and I didn't want to burn a vacation day, so I decided to go ahead and go to work. Well, I got stuck backing out of the driveway and nothing I did seemed to work. I eventually was able to rock the truck back-and-forth enough to get it going forward. The only place I could get any traction was in the deep ruts in the road, but I made it out of the subdivision OK. Then I got onto Epworth and realized I had made a big mistake. There were absolutely NO other cars on the road and there were so many broken trees and fallen branches, that I literally had to swerve to miss them. One place had trees on both sides of the road and they scraped my truck as I drove past. I decided to turn about and go back home but I got stuck trying to do that so I had to keep going straight on Epworth to Covert. I literally thought I was going to have to leave my truck and carry 3 kids home. And I was dressed for work so I have no hat, gloves, nor boots. Idiot! I had to take 164 to Lloyd Expressway back to Epworth to make it home. It was snowing so hard that my windshield wipers were frozen and not working hardly at all. They were just pushing ice around on my windshield. It was pretty darn scary. At least I knew that I was close enough to home to walk if we needed to. I made it back to Tecumseh and then built up enough speed to make the turn and hill at Tippecanoe and did the same thing getting into out driveway. I was very happy to be home and really thankful I didn't have to walk. This was not a good day for Missy to be gone!

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