Sunday, September 14, 2008

Chillin at the Jameson Inn courtesy of Hurrican Ike

We went camping this weekend and got up early Sunday morning and checked the weather forecast b/c we knew there was a possibility of rain today and Missy said there were some storms coming right at us, so we packed up as quickly as we could and got the heck out of there! It was VERY windy driving home and the camper was getting blown all over the road but we made it home safe and sound. About 30 min. later, the wind really picked up and started blowing like crazy. Our power went out shortly after that. We didn't think much about it and figured it would be back on in a few hours, so we went out to eat at Logan's for Lori's birthday. We got home about 7:00pm and the power was still out, so we decided to get a hotel for the night. We packed all our stuff up and headed out to find a place to stay. We eventually found a place at the Jameson Inn on GRR. It's a very nice room and we got the RC rate of $69, so it's not too bad. The kids were kind'of excited about the whole thing, but a little scared by the darkness at home before we left. We were FINALLY able to watch the news and see what was going on with hurricane Ike and the strong winds from today and to our amazement, there are an estimated 40,000 people without power in Evansville today, so it might be a LONG TIME before we get our power back. They said the crews are going to be working around the clock this week, but it might be Wed. or Thurs. before everyone has power again. It should be an interesting week!

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